njection moulding is an affordable, versatile, and efficient manufacturing process that has earned an admirable place within the business of any production company.
It’s used to make everything from Gameboys to gears, and with the process standing as one of the best options for businesses developing products. There’s a myriad of benefits to swapping over to it today.
If you take a quick look around your house, you can probably find numerous objects that were made using plastic injection molding – possibly even the computer or smartphone you’re viewing this on. Countless products are completely reliant on this process for their manufacture; many which are common items we use on a daily basis.
Injection moulding is an ideal manufacturing solution as it can be used to produce a wide range of products efficiently and cost effectively. Here, we look at 6 ways injection moulding can benefit your business:
The biggest advantage of injection moulding is a three-pronged feedback loop that keeps on benefitting you and your company the longer you use it.
Speaking of labour costs, another added advantage to the moulding process is how easily automatable it is. It requires very little supervision and oversight once the ball starts rolling. Our own machines are fully programmable with reproducible conditions that can be replicated with a touch of a button.
We use injection moulding when it comes to creating products in bulk. The reason for this is the sheer speed of the cycle; a typical mould can be completed in less than half a minute.
The speed of production also means that your moulds will typically last longer, and the time saved on production speeds up your business processes. It means that you’ll be spending less cost on associated labour and profiting from the output.
Injection moulding produces very little waste. Not only is it one of the most efficient users of raw material, but any excess isn’t wasted; you can simply recycle it back into the machine for future moulds.
While the mould themselves can be expensive to produce, you’ll be able to recoup that quickly once you begin production, often in magnitudes of 10-20 times the savings in large batch scale operations.
Your labour costs will be barely noticeable when you consider that you won’t need to waste additional time joining or trimming your final products, as well as less throwbacks to deal with due to human error.
A lot of different casting products require fine-tooling after the moulding finishes. One fantastic advantage of injection moulding is that they come right out of the mould looking fresh and with a glossy, final sheen attached.
As part of the moulding process, you can add filler to the mould via plastic injection in order to create reinforced sections and stronger products, an option that most other processes lack.
As a combination of the availability of customisation options and the ease of customisation in the process itself, there’s a lot you can do with injection moulding to mix up your project.
For starters, there’s a wide spectrum of materials and colours that you can use in the process, but assuming you fit the basic design criteria you’ll also have a lot of flexibility in how you approach your design.
On top of that, you can use different types of plastic throughout your cycle. Plastic can be even be co-injected so that a machine can process two different plastic types at the same time!